Monday, February 11, 2013

The Hills of Cuenca

At the beginning of the month, my friend Alyson had a great idea: try and do a day trip every weekend through the month of February. I couldn't make it last weekend because I chose to stay up and watch the Super Bowl, but this weekend we decided on Cuenca, a place neither of us have been to.

Cuenca is a small city/town in the province of Castilla la Mancha (think Don Quijote territory). It's about a 2 hour bus ride, so not bad for a day trip. And the old part of town, the Casco Viejo, is small enough to walk in one day, although it seems like you're always walking uphill! Cuenca is situated on top of a huge hill/mountain and is surrounded by a deep gorge. We had some awesome views.

Our trip didn't start out the greatest. Within about 1 minute of stepping out of the bus station Alyson slipped and fell into a puddle of brown goop. I tried to be optimistic that maybe it was just "chocolate ice cream". However, after she wiped it off her boots in a restaurant bathroom she assured me it was excrement of some kind. We think dog. So gross. Luckily it was only on her hands and boots, things that could easily be wiped off and cleaned. Unfortunately that wasn't how we wanted to start our trip!

Before the slight incident I asked an elderly gentleman to point us in the right direction of the old part of town...because the newer part of town is kind of a dump. I didn't expect that. People always talk about how beautiful Cuenca is. I realize now that they are just referring to one part of the city. Anyway, he was very helpful and got a big kick out of two American girls living in Madrid who took the time to visit his city. Spaniards are always so friendly and happy to help out foreigners. They take such pride in their cities. I am forever grateful. He told us to take the bus, but we decided to just walk. Good choice. We would've missed a lot on the bus. 

Old monastery, now a hotel! (parador)

One of the main attractions in Cuenca are the casas colgadas, the hanging houses. They are built right on the edge of a cliff and seem to be barely hanging on. It was neat to see. Cuenca also has a cathedral, multiple churches and convents/monasteries, remains of a castle from the 13th century and lots of windy streets that always seem to lead up. And the Río Cuervo snakes through at the bottom of the gorge. There's not a whole lot to do in Cuenca, but there's plenty to see. I wouldn't mind going back there again, but next time I'm taking the old man's advice and riding the bus!

                              Casas Colgadas

                   Street off of Plaza Mayor                                                 Cathedral
The hills have eyes!!!!


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