Monday, January 14, 2013

It's 2013!

Once again I've let time get away from me but I have a good excuse. Most of December and even the beginning of January was filled with travels and visitors. Yay! And with them I've come to realize that I'm the sort of person who doesn't necessarily like to keep a laundry list of what she's done so she can remember it all for the future. Instead, I prefer to take it all in and store it safely in my memory. It's much easier that way. With that being said, I might have to break my promise from the last post. I'm not really sure how often I will blog anymore and I don't know if I'll post many pictures here. The blog has become a chore; something I tell myself I must do after I've taken a trip or seen something really cool/funny/different. It has taken the fun out of my experiences. I'm much more interested in telling people about what happened over the phone or Skype. Blogging...not so much.

Anyway, I'll drop by from time to time because some things are too awesome not to capture in words. Like picking up my friend from the airport in my goofy wig that's suppose to be a mohawk but I wore it sideways...or wandering around Segovia with my cousin and best friend as if the three of us had always been together and we were just having a normal weekend road trip. That sort of thing.

I also got a New Year's surprise with some other visitors...who are actually the younger sister of a friend and her boyfriend. Lisa and Drew, you guys were awesome to hang out with. I'm so glad we all got to know each other better than before. This might sound strange, but saying goodbye to them made me the most homesick of all. I'm counting down until we can get together again for Indian food and good conversation about migraines and chiropractics. Who knew?

I was very fortunate to have great friends and family visit over my entire winter break. I honestly don't know what I would've done with myself if they weren't all here.

Now school is back in full swing and I couldn't be happier. The first week back was a little rough just getting used to waking up to an alarm clock and all, but I'm thankful to be back on a schedule. It was nice to see students and teachers as well. Everyone looked well rested and rejuvenated. Bring on springtime! and exams!

I've also started up again with my private lessons which is great. I feel like I'm part of their family in a way. We're not bossom buddies or anything, but they're a constant in my life and they've invited me into my homes...usually feed me...and then we always chat for a bit afterwards. This last Friday I was tutoring two 8 year-olds and then a 12 year-old at their grandparents house and afterwards I stuck around for a bit to just chat about my Christmas and whatnot. Next thing I know, coffee is being made, cookies are set out and two hours later I reluctantly had to leave. We talked about art, healthcare, second language acquisition and  god knows what else! It was so nice...made me realize how much I miss my own grandparents, who've been gone for 10 years now. I probably shouldn't make it a habit of sticking around too long next time; people have their own lives to live (and dinner to make), but I'm glad we all got to know each other a little bit better.

So all in all, 2013 is off to a good start. And in less than 2 weeks time I'll be off to Paris! My first visit to France :)


Brussels, Belgium

Grand Place

Brugge, Belgium

Main square

city of canals

Bristol, England

Clifton Suspension Bridge

Oxford, England

Bodleian Library

Walking through the Graduation Doors

There is nothing I hate more than posting pics on Blogger...infuriating. Enjoy!

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