Thursday, September 13, 2012

Made it!

I can happily say I made it to Madrid without a hitch. What a relief! I'm currently sitting in my friends living room typing away. I've slept, showered, eaten and popped a few ibuprofen so I feel great. I do have a stye in my eye and a horrible canker sore but I'm in one piece. Maybe that's too much info! Whatever.

I left St. Louis this morning at 11:30am and got into Washington D.C. at 2:30 (ET). No turbulence or anything, which I was worried about because it was a very tiny plane...only about 20 rows maybe.

In D.C. I had about 3 hours to kill, so I pulled out my ipod to see if by chance there was some free wifi...and there was! D.C., you are now officially my favorite airport. The 3 hours went by a lot faster with websurfing and messaging involved! Thank god for wifi. I did have some trouble with my shoes while I was there. I like to forget that a certain pair always tears my heels to shreds and so walking through the airport did them in. To the point my feet were on fire. I pulled over to the side and meant to trade them for a pair of sandals I was hauling in my bag when a woman stopped and asked me if I had blisters. It was so crazy. I was just thinking how dumb it was to not pack band-aids and wondered where I could get some in an airport. And then this woman appeared and just handed me a bunch of Dr. Scholls wrap- thingys to put around my heels. I was in shock! I did not expect someone to notice, much less care, that my heels were raw. Lady, I am forever grateful, and I will pass it on.

The flight from D.C. to Madrid was also uneventful and I got to watch Salmon Fishing in the Yemen and The Five Year Engagement (I'm an Emily Blunt fan). They were ok, but helped pass the time.

I landed in Madrid at 7:45am (12:45am for everyone back home) having not slept a wink on the plane. There is no worse feeling than being exhausted and smelly after traveling all day. Needless to say I was very happy to see my friend Raelynne and her boyfriend waiting for me when I got all my bags. Which brings me back to where I started with this post.

I will say this trip to Madrid was a lot more difficult emotionally-speaking than I thought it would be. My dad choked up at the airport which made me upset and it followed me the whole way here. I think I cried about a dozen times just in St. Louis, before I even got on a plane. Ugh. It's going to be an adjustment. So I'm taking it one day at a time.


1 comment:

  1. Aww friend I'm so happy you made it there all in one piece! So happy random acts of kindness still happen, definitely pay it forward. Enjoy your adventure, cry if you need to, dance if you feel like it, laugh uncontrolablely, sing out loud and completely live in the moment. I'm looking forward to reading about all your adventures :)
